Early Game – Ireland vs Italy

Italy goes into this one feeling confident after a week-1 win against an Irish squad who lost a squeaker in their first match. Both goalies looking extremely strong in the first period with no goals until fabulous Joe Peacock banged in a rebound with three minutes to go. Paul Riopelle got his first of the game less than a minute later on a pass from league sophomore Scott Wilson. Hold that thought.

The second was scoreless for the first seven minutes until Ireland made it 3-0 on a nifty passing play from……Wilson to Riopelle.

Italy jumped off the mat halfway through the second on two quick goals by Robin Flumerfelt and Dave Wodar to make it 3-2 , but Italy quickly restored their two-goal lead on a goal from…..Wilson to Riopelle for the hat-trick. Then Riopelle got his fourth goal of the game as the second period ended but Wilson decided to let Robin Chantaj get the helper on this one.

It remained 5-2 for Ireland until a minute left in the game when Ireland put the icing on the cake with one more goal by……wait for it……. Riopelle from Wilson.

A five goal night for last year’s MVP Paul Riopelle, four of those assisted by Scott Wilson. Coaching tip for Ireland’s upcoming opponents: don’t let Wilson pass to Riopelle. You’re welcome.

Great effort by this Irish Squad who are looking like contenders and giving a great effort in honor of team sponsor Brian Spence’s birthday. We won’t tell you which one, but it starts with a 6 and ends with a 5.

Ireland Player of the Game goes to, who’s kidding who…..

Ireland POG Paul Riopelle

While Italy’s Player of the Game goes to fast-skating John Levac, who personally made the pizza Paul is holding.

Italy POG John Levac

Late Game – Slovenia vs Portugal

Slovenia feeling confident after a big win in week 1. Portugal playing their first of the season after a week-1 bye and wondering how paper will convert to ice.

Once again proving that this season could be a battle of the goalies, both teams had all chances turned away for most of the first period until rookie Ciro Napolitano bulged the twine with 6 minutes to go, ending the first period 1-0 for Slovenia.

Ciro’s teammate and fellow rookie Steve Davis made it 2-0 early in the second and then team sponsor Dave Dodic put the Slovenians up 3-0 halfway through the game. This one showing signs of a rout until Portugal broke out the smelling salts in the second half and scored three unanswered goals to tie this one up 3-3 off the sticks of D-man Jay Cummings, rookie Bob King, and veteran John Annan.

All tied up going into the final frame, this one looking like the game of the week. An absolute goalie show for the first half of the third until substitute Brad Stoll put Portugal up 4-3. Fierce competition for the rest of the period until Rick Gunther iced this one, putting the Lisbonites ahead 5-3 with 1:32 on the clock. A late, late goal by Mike Russo showed Slovenia’s heart, but wasn’t enough to change the outcome.

Final score: Portugal 5, Slovenia 4.

Slovenia’s player of the game goes to rookie Steve Davis seen here leaving his home in Gorenje Gradišče pri Šentjerneju last week after inking his contract with the PCOHL for a reported 5 million Slovenian Tolars plus a signing bonus of a tray of Štruklji.

Slovenia POG Steve Davis

Frank Rispoli the Goalie takes the honours for the winning squad Portugal.

Portugal POG Frank Rispoli

After two weeks it’s a 4-way tie for first place with three of the four games decided by a goal. Some good early signs of parity and a promise of some great competition for the season.

Welcome and congratulations to this year’s rookies who are already putting dents in the scoresheets.

Next week’s matches pit Italy against Portugal in the early game While Ireland and Scotland play in the battle of the North Channel. Slovenia has the week off.