Website Update
All our career stats has now been updated with last years stats.
Note it is our 29th season. We have archived the last 15 years of individual stats for all players and goalies. We will call that our modern era. We have no individual stats from the first 13 years. We do have individual award winners and Champions lists for all 28 years and you can find all that on our website.
Some other facts some of you arm chair general managers may find interesting. This years roster, here is how many PCOHL Stanley Cup rings each team has accumulated. The Oilers lead the pack with 37 rings. Flyers are 2nd with 27. Islanders have 26 Bruins have 22 and the Habs have just 20 rings. So if experience means anything the Oilers should be the run away winners this season. Individually Mark Plewes leads the league with 7 rings, he is tied with Frenchie and Dave Sawyer. Ronnie Chantaj has 6 with 5 ex members. Brideau has 5 rings also tied with 5 ex members. Bobby and Gordie Ide, Ree, Rispoli, Nicholson, Woods, Moe Connell, Messenger, Robin Chantaj, Guerra and Atchison all have 4 rings each.
Penalty minutes have declined the last 4 years, yeah!!!, but always go up in the playoffs, proud to be Canadian.
Attendance is just under 11 skaters a team a game and 12 for the playoffs.
So enjoy hunting your name and where you sit in all of our top 50 lists.
We would like to offer an opportunity for all league members to have a link on our front page of our website for a $200 fee. Non Members will be charged $300. All proceeds will go back into our budget. If interested please contact Mike Rukavina. To date we have had 43,000 hits on our website.
See you all on the ice!